• Welcome to Reggie the Lion's World!

    The place where faith, positivity, and purpose come together!

    Reggie the Lion isn’t just a toy; he’s a powerful, faith-filled character that speaks positive affirmations to encourage your child’s mind to grow with confidence, hope, and belief in themselves by building

    their faith in God!

    Below you can see him in action on the Reggie The Lion and Friends tv show.

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    Reggie is cherished by parents, educators, and mental health professionals alike, as he brings joy and encourages positive thinking. With every purchase, you contribute to supporting underserved communities and empowering at-risk children.


    Welcome Reggie into your home to share positivity, hope, and love!


    Click Here To See What Professionals Say About Reggie The Lion!

  • Let's Change the World Together

    One Child At A Time!

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    Purpose in Pain Foundation

    Our mission is the help childrean believe before they can doubt. We want to foster positive and spiritual mindsets among today's youth in order to decrease rates of suicide, gang involvement, and incarceration.

    Click on the Purpose in Pain Logo to journey to our information site.

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    Teaching and Empowering the Students Through the Reggie The Lion Learning Coloring Books

    Reginald endured a childhood and adolescence marked by poverty, abuse, gang involvement, bullying, and suicidal thoughts. He has dedicated his life to inspiring children to believe in God, themselves, and their dreams.

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    Just in Time For Christmas!

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